Tuesday, October 2, 2007

what do condoms promote?

The latest Carolinian (Oct 2 - Oct 8) has a story about Trojan Ads called Evolve on page 6 titled "I want your sex...and your medical history", here is the ad:

The staff writer Ms. Conley believes that since most committed couples 'rely on hormonal and nondisposable forms of birth control because sex is, for the most part, a fairly regular occurence' hence condoms are targeting their commercials and product offerings for to those outside of relationships. And in this specific case, for one night stands.

Well, first of all, the ad is advertising Trojans being available in a dispenser/ vending machine in bars and nightclubs. And since the primary usage for those products would be one night stands, it would make sense that Trojan advertise for that particular eventuality.

Do you think Trojan is encouraging one night stands? Or simply acknowledging that they happen and that you'd rather be evolved in your choices?

Here is another ad i saw while i was looking up Trojan - this uses men's fear of committment and having children and takes it up a notch. Is this ad unethical? I wonder what would the pro-life organizations think of this commercial?

The positioning for the Trojan ad i believe is that be a better man, use condoms. The positioning for Zazoo on the other hand seems more like - avoid mishaps use condom. One ads uses positive reinforcement (though i wonder how men would percieve being called pigs in the ad) and the other uses fear.

Which do you think works better?


CARS2009 said...

I like the Trojan add. I think Trojan is just acknowledging the fact that one night stands happen, and it's better to be safe and use a condom. I do think that in this particular commerical Trojan is targeting those not in a relationship, but I don't think that's true of them all the time. Overall I think they have a good message in promoting smart decisions through safe sex.

The Zazoo commercial, unlike the Trojan commercial, uses fear in order to get their point across and sale condoms. Although I don't think this commercial to be unethical, I think it could be offensive to some people.

As a woman I think the Trojan commercial works better in selling condoms because women usually look for the "better" man and the "safer" man. I think the Zazoo add would appeal more to a male market by "scaring" them into buying their product.

Melanie Carrico said...

If the ads help lessen the teen pregnancy rate in this country, keep 'em coming!!
See http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/PUBLICATIONS/
factsheet/fsest.htm (sorry, you'll have to put the link together)
for stats on how our teen pregnancy rates compare to some European countries. And then browse youtube for more fun condom (and other items!) ads from Europe.
Think there's a connection???

Professor Sanghvi said...

hey melanie, thanks for that link! it was some great information!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think when you take out the fact that a younger audience sees these commercials, they are actually kind of clever. A little humorous as well. With both commercials, you don't realize what they are selling until the very end. You watch the commercial, forming your own opinion about what's being sold, and then all of sudden you find out it's a condom commercial...the way they use real-life scenerios is kind of funny.

I think it depends on the audience whether one commercial works better than the other. I would say the Zazoo commercial is not as controversial as the Trojan commercial. I can totally see how the Trojan commercial can be seen as encouraging a one night stand...but it's a reality that many people don't want to know happens. As Trojan, they chose a touchy subject to use to promote their condoms, yet it's kind of a smart topic to choose as it's one the most important situations in which to use a condom.

Again, it all depends on whose watching the commercials. If I had children, I would rather they see the Zazoo commercial...but as a young adult the Trojan commercial is funny and I don't take it offensively...as for males they may take it offensively if they don't have a good sense of humor.

CARS2009 said...

I think that the Trojan add is one that is used because people know that one night stands do happen and it isn't rare to hear one about someone you know or to see two strangers leave a club together. I believe that Trojan is just trying to make condoms available and get business while protecting people. Hooking up is inevitable in today's society, why not be safe?

gy_yoon said...

Through reading these comments and analyzing the commercials, I want to play the devil's advocate. I feel like the commercials were poorly delivered. Although they portray humor and factual reality, as a traditional Asian male with self respect, I didn't find these ads motivating or amusing.

The commercial displaying men as pigs are humorous, yet degrading to men. It's a stereotype that should not have been broadcasted. The reason why they shouldn’t display this ad is because, they are trying to target the male population yet they portray men as pigs. Outcome, men feel offended and are not motivated to purchase the product or brand.

Although it's my personal opinion, I believe that most Asian men are very brand loyal; therefore if a company stereotypes your gender as nothing more than being a pig, you will probably boycott the company and spread the rumor to all your male buddies.

Regarding the Zazoo commercial, I think the commercial was relevant and showed a realistic situation; however, it doesn't motivate me to purchase the product. It does however send the message that,one should not have a child unless they are ready for the reality.

From my opinion, I don't believe fear stops men or women from having sex. It may encourage the situation even more. We are human, and as humans, we usually find fear as a challenge and not a solution.